Home Basic Pentesting Writeup | TryHackMe

Basic Pentesting Writeup | TryHackMe

CTF Overview

Welcome to the writeup for the Basic Pentesting CTF. In this box, you will learn how to do the following:

  • Service enumeration
  • Brute forcing
  • Hash cracking
  • Linux enumeration

This box is intended for beginners so if you are a more experienced pentester, you may want to try your hand at a more difficult machine.

How to Deploy:

I am using TryHackMe for this walkthrough, but you can download it from VulnHub using the link below:



1. Information Gathering and Enumeration

As always, the first thing I do is run a basic scan to find the open ports:

Basic Port Scan

Using the results from this scan I run a more detailed scan to get version numbers and any other useful information I may need later:

Detailed Scan

From the scan, I can see that there is a web server running on port 80 with Apache version 2.4.18.

So far we have completed objectives #1 and #2: deploy the machine and find the services exposed by the machine. The next objective is to find the name of the hidden directory on the web server.

The next thing I do is navigate to the website:


It doesn’t appear to have anything useful so I start a directory bruteforce attack using GoBuster:


After some digging with the GoBuster results, I find a find a “/development” path (objective #3):


This directory contains two files: dev.txt and j.txt



Looks like there is a weak hash in the /etc/shadow file that we could crack. Now we need to find the username. I am going to use enum4linux for this:


Eventually we find two usernames - kay and jan:

enum4linux results

The username for objective #5 is jan. Now we need to get the password (objective #6). I am going to use hydra for this:


Great! The password is: armando. We can now use these credentials to SSH (objective #7) into the target machine:


After some digging I found the /home directory of the kay user and noticed that they have a private ssh key in their .ssh directory:

Private key

I make a copy of this private key and save it to my desktop as id_rsa. I also use the following command:

$ chmod 600 id_rsa

which only gives the owner read and write access. This is how these private key files should have been stored on the victim’s machine.

However, when I tried to use the SSH key to access the victim’s machine, the key returned as being password protected:

Password Protected

To get the password for kay, I am going to use John the Ripper’s ssh2john script to crack the password:


This command gets the password in a hash form and outputs it to a file called “cracked.txt”. I am now going to use john to crack the password with the rockyou wordlist:


Okay so the password is beeswax! We can now SSH into the victim’s machine using this:

SSHing again

And now we can read the pass.bak file for objective #11:

cat pass.bak

And that’s it!

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.